ECommerce is the buzzword of the new Millennium. It's the hottest money making trend. It lets you open the doors of your business to the global market, while staying local. But do you really know how big it is?
Well, consider some wild facts about eCommerce :
Business-to-Business eCommerce is estimated to reach over $3 trillion in 2005 and Business-to Consumer transactions are forecasted to soar to $184 billion in 2005. Can you afford to waste any more time? Of course not! You don't have to wait anymore!
Namohosting.com harnesses the power of eCommerce and delivers it to you in a package that is easy to understand and easy to use. By choosing one of our hosting accounts, you enter the world of eCommerce opportunities.
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STORESENSE (Optional Service starting at $14.99/month)

StoreSense solutions offer a range of benefits to meet your business needs today¡¦and can grow with your online business. StoreSense is available in Starter, Standard, Professional, and Professional Plus Editions.
StoreSense makes electronic commerce easier than ever. You can sign up online and quickly build your own online store. StoreSense gives you all the tools you need to extend your business into the world of e-business.