The transmission of unsolicited or prohibited advertising or other content through electronic mail or inappropriate Usenet postings is forbidden. Using Namohosting.com's network and/or resold services for unsolicited mass mailings or postings, commercial or otherwise, (commonly known as "Spam") by any Namohosting.com Customer will cause that Customer's services to be terminated immediately and without warning. Any and all Web sites found in violation of this Policy will be removed immediately, without prior notification to the hosting Customer. Every Customer violating this Policy will be held legally responsible for any damages to Namohosting.com's network, both monetary and in reputation. The use of any other service to make such a mailing or posting, with any reference to Namohosting.com services (including but not limited to mailboxes, autoresponders, and Web pages), will also be grounds for account termination as described above.
Namohosting.com does not provide hosting services for Adult Content web sites. All Customers agree not to store, transmit, link to, advertise or make available any images, audio clips or text containing sexually explicit material. Any and all web sites found in violation of this Policy will be removed immediately, without prior notification to the hosting Customer. Namohosting.com will make the final decision in any dispute over unacceptable content. By hosting with Namohosting.com, all Customers agree to accept Namohosting.com's decision as to what is and is not adult-oriented content.
Promotion of hate, discrimination, and intolerance, in any form, is not allowed. Namohosting.com will not accept or host web sites dedicated to or containing content which promotes hatred and/or intolerance of or discrimination against groups or individuals based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. By hosting with Namohosting.com, all Customers acknowledge and agree not to promote hatred on Internet web sites hosted by Namohosting.com. Any and all web sites found in violation of this Policy will be removed immediately, without prior notification to the hosting Customer. Namohosting.com reserves the right to turn over any and all such material to relevant law enforcement and regulatory authorities in the jurisdiction in which the web site resides, or in the jurisdiction of the hosting Customer, or in the jurisdiction of Namohosting.com or the location of its Web Hosting equipment. Customers in violation of this Policy will not receive a rebate or reimbursement on hosting fees, in whole or in part.
Namohosting.com forbids the use of its services to host, store, transfer, or transmit in any fashion pirated or cracked versions of commercial software (aka: warez).